Nearby Places

  There are many isolated beaches, ruins, and archaeological sites within 30 minutes or so.

Deserted Beach at Monteon

When Summer storms disturb the beach sand, pottery shards are uncovered. Some have ornamental black lines around the neck. When I asked the age of this pattern, I was told that it dates from pre-columbian times, but it is also still in use today.

Hidden Cove at Las Cuevas

A great place for a picnic if you can navigate the washed-out road. You could approach from the sea if you had a boat.

Downed Trees from Hurricane

Monteon picnic beach area.

Mountains behind Monteon

This is the highest mountain in the surrounding area. It rises to 4000 feet and is the "rain maker" in our seldom winter rains.

Pottery Shard Beach

Looking North, this is the area at Monteon where the pottery shards from ancient beach dwellers are found.

Vallarta View

Puerta Vallarta's population has swollen to over a million. It is the source of supermarket items which are in limited supply locally.

Marias View

A tranquil setting far above the noise below.